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A place to ask all your baby, child and pregnancy related questions to the mamas of Santa Cruz.

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C in Activities for kids

Weekly walking group

Hi! I am starting my maternity leave at the end of January and I want to try and get a group together to do walks at the beach! I try and go 2-4 times a week at rio Del Mar since it’s fully paved and free parking. I will have more flexibility once I start my leave, but was thinking mornings a few days a week and to ...

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D in Feminine health

OB recs at Sutter Health Birthing Center?

I recently confirmed pregnancy with IVF and need to find an OB but it’s my first pregnancy and I’m not sure how to find out about good doctors. I want to deliver at the birthing center and there is a list of doctors on their website, but no comments with the star ratings. Anyone have a doctor they love and would rec...

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L in Activities for kids

In search of walking buddies

Doing a lot of walking at 38 weeks pregnant and want a mom or future mom to walk with me 🙂

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D in Childcare

Infant care in the SC mountains

Hi everyone! I’m having a really hard time finding infant care in SLV (we are in Boulder Creek). I don’t quite have the budget for a full time nanny. If anyone has leads or is interested in a nanny share, please let me know!

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A in Careers

Pregnant Mom Seek Work

I just relocated to Aptos/Santa Cruz and am desperately looking for work! I’m only week 14 so I have a lot of time and energy left in me. I have my degree in childcare but I would love to branch out and try new things. ANYTHING IS WELCOME AND APPRECIATED 🥰🥰

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