K in Activities for kids
What are some activities to do with the baby? I’m a new sahm maybe temporary but I want to be active with her as much a possible.
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Featuring everything local for the mamas of Clovis.
K in Activities for kids
What are some activities to do with the baby? I’m a new sahm maybe temporary but I want to be active with her as much a possible.
J in Parties & celebrations
Is anyone else nervous about not having enough friends for your child’s birthday party? Thank God my family and friends come and show support .. but it makes me sad when I feel like I don’t have enough kids she can play with and have fun on her birthday. Or my friends kids are either way to old or way to young to re...
M in Sleep & tiredness
Whose awake ?
🫧 in Activities for kids
Hey Mamas! I know it’s late, but I have an itch to take my littles to the zoo tomorrow around 10:30ish? And was wondering if any one of you lovely’s would like to join🥰 I’m a SAHM and being stuck in side is starting to really get to me😅
J in Making friends
Let’s all get together and have fun ! Need to make mom friends and daughter needs friends around her age as well 😁💕💕