Incognito in Body temperatures
How old was baby when you started wearing them in a carrier "backpack" style?
Is there an age limit /recommendation or requirements for that?
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Incognito in Body temperatures
Is there an age limit /recommendation or requirements for that?
H in Baby travel products
Ages 3 years & and almost 6 months Going to be taking a weekend family trip to a zoo and aquarium in April and wondering what would be the better option for toting the kids around.
H in Baby sleep
Pic in comments for context Red - night time stay in bed Yellow - allowed to get up and play in room Green - allowed to come out and find parents.
A in Other
Does anyone on here play Words With Friends?!
Incognito in Other
Buying a house with my husband, but I have poor credit should I put my name on the house? My state is not a 50/50 state (not saying anything or even thinking about divorce) also I'm not totally sure about how any of this works, I guess that's why I'm here lol