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Connecting Fort Worth mamas with local information, fun events, and sharing in the journey of raising little ones.

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M in Bilingual babies

Bilingual Spanish Moms!

Hey bilingual Spanish moms! A friend and I started a small community for families interested in fostering community.

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J in Age gaps

Time for mom @Fort Worth area

As honest as it can get: Does any other mom feel like you only live for your family? I am committed to connecting with myself again and other goals aside of being a mom and a wife. Anyone else feel the same way? I'm thinking of joining a class, climbing suscriptions or... any ideas?🤔

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S in Making friends

In need of mommy friends

Hi mommies, where is everyone @? I'm in Lake Worth, I'm looking for mommy friends, cute, married or single it doesn't matter but can we go get a dang drink on a Friday night once the kids are sleep?

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T in Going out

Mommy date

Anyone up for a mid day lunch and drink? Need some mommy friends…

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T in Baby clothes

Free Stuff

📣📣Hello moms, I have some things that I want to help 2-3 moms with. I’m changing my toddler’s room up and I have some things I want to give away…. Pack n play Changing station boys clothes 12m-18m mattress toys play pen etc I want to bless those that need it. I want to get rid of this stuff in the next couple day...

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