Incognito in Motherhood
Understand my mom less being a mom
Everyone always said you’d understand when you have kids. I swear I understand her less now. Does anyone feel the same.
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All Are Welcome! Let's share our stories and help each other who is dealing with a narcissist mother. We aren't here to judge anyone but be there for one another. Together we can overcome this. PLEASE RESPECT EACH OTHER. Thank you.
Incognito in Motherhood
Everyone always said you’d understand when you have kids. I swear I understand her less now. Does anyone feel the same.
Incognito in Postpartum mental health
So I’m 13 weeks along and not comfortable about telling anyone until I’m at least 20+ weeks so I know it’s more safe for me and baby and knowing a close family member had a miscarriage at 22 weeks I just want to be cautious Unfortunately my hospital letters accidentally got sent to my mums address (which I haven’t...
C in Age gaps
I so badly wanted to share this on my socials but I am friends with some people that speak with my mother on a regular basis and I don’t feel like hearing any crap about it. ✌🏼
Incognito in Postpartum mental health
I have been low contact with my mum for about 6 months now. She’s always been difficult but through pregnancy last year she was horrid to me. Then since my boy was born she was very rude about his appearance etc. just awful. So I went low contact. I’m close with my siblings and my sister told me that my mum told the...
Incognito in Fostering & adoption
Do you all feel that it's been harder to be a mother than your peers, having grown up in a Narcissistic household? If so, how has it been harder? Asking for a friend.