I in Halloween
Happy Halloween 🎃
My kiddos are dressed up as Jasmine, Sonic, and my twins are Dora and Boots. What are your kiddos dressing up as?
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Sharing, learning, raising, loving, and growing together in New Mexico.
I in Halloween
My kiddos are dressed up as Jasmine, Sonic, and my twins are Dora and Boots. What are your kiddos dressing up as?
K in Other
I have heard there's a huge wait time for autism diagnosis here in NM? Is that throughout the state? Or just the Albuquerque area?
Incognito in Work & money
I was denied medicaid and my husband isn't offered insurance through work. I am a stay at home mom and recently had a seizure. We are working out a payment plan with the hospital for the er visit and that will be taken care of before we get insurance. We don't have any debt I just need insurance because doctors are ...
T in Parties & celebrations
Hey! I feel kinda desperate to be posting this😅 but I’m looking mamas and littles that would want to come to my little girls first birthday party next month? We live in Albuquerque and she turns one on Nov 5th so we’ll be having the party that weekend. Please message me for more info if you’d like to come!!!
V in Making friends
Myself and my husband, we are looking for friends that’s in Albuquerque, New Mexico or Santa Fe on any big cities around there or in general in New Mexico. We are moving to New Mexico. Please contact me back. Thank you.