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B in Induced labor

Cost difference in “electing to induce”

Our doc just shared that we could elect to induce at 39 weeks. Does anyone know if insurance would likely charge more for ~electing~ to do so?

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Help with binkies!!

A little back story my MIL is the only other person to watch my little boy besides his dad or I. About a week ago my baby started rejecting binkies and would only ever sleep or be soothed by sucking on my boob. SO as a last resort I stuck my finger in his mouth and it worked but now he still won’t take binkies and p...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Felling self critical atm

Is it just me or does my doctor have a obsession with telling me that I’m fat lol

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Fitness

Is MyGym or Gymboree worth it?

So I finally got out of the house and took my little dude to a MYGYM week trial. He LOVED it. Way more that I expected. My boyfriend signed us up But when I checked the price and it is ridicules! And this is coming from an AllStar cheer and tumbling coach. I know how expensive things can be for kids but the classes ...

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C in Work & money

Paid Family Leave

Has anyone else had struggles applying for paid family leave, if so, do you have any advice for me? My application has been pending and my leave started over a month ago.

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