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Incognito in Other

Nervous of getting son tested.

He’s 4 and half and not potty trained. He’s 5 in December. Has zero interest. He was delayed in many areas of development. He didn’t crawl until 10 month old and didn’t walk until 18 months old. Didn’t talk until 2/2 and half. In full sentence anyways. He didn’t eat table food until 16 months old. He would refuse...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
1 likes,6 comments

A in Making friends

Handing out Best friend applications

Anyone in Oakland county??

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C in Making friends

Really wanting some mom friends or friends in general

Moved here from another state and don’t have any friends outside of my man’s friends. But it’s different since they don’t really know me like a friend would and I feel like they’re just more his friends than mine most times. Would love to just hang out with someone and smoke down, chat, watch tv shows, play with the...

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Incognito in Other

Weight gain.

I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and keep being told by my OB that I'm 10lbs over the expected weight gain for my stage. At first I didn't see how but I took a video of myself and my hips gained a lot of weight, even my ribs, but I have back rolls and side rolls I never had before. I am feeling so so depressed and gr...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Legal


I’m a stay at home home. Been married for almost 9 years and have 4 kids with my husband. I’m 99% sure I want to ask him for a divorce very soon. I don’t know where to start since I don’t have a penny to my name. I was just recently employed and will start working soon. I googled some lawyers but haven’t had luck du...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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