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Incognito in Baby movement

My baby fell off the bed

Mom guilt is hitting hard today—My 3 month old rolled off the bed, and I feel awful. He cried right away and seems okay now, he is sleeping, but I’m still so worried. I’ve been watching him closely, but has this happened to anyone else? What signs should I look out for, and when should I be concerned? Definitely a r...

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Incognito in Surrogacy


Kinda freaking! I know everything is good and up to date, but my ebt balance hasn't been updated and I'm gonna have a panic attack! I called and left a message but that's never happened before. I even checked the portal and haven't lost benefits or anything. 😫

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R in Making friends

Berks County anyone?

Is anyone in Berks county looking for mom friends? I have a 3 year old and 2 month old and I’m hoping to get out some more to parks and things with my kiddos and puppy as the weather gets warmer!

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Incognito in Baby milestones

My 4 year old told me he married Ghost Spider

I am shocked. Today, my 4 year old told me he married Ghost Spider. I asked him how, he said he kissed her so now they are married. To be clear, he is in a stage where he thinks he is spiderman. And ghostspider, which is a character in spiderman, is just imagery. I think it is cute, but should I be concerned that ...

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Incognito in Premature birth

How long did it take to get your baby birth certificate in the mail?

Hello mamas! I currently live in Philadelphia and I had my baby a little over a month ago. I was told in the hospital that it would probably take a month to get his birth certificate. His social arrived but I’m starting to get worried 😅

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