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Pregnancy & Motherhood

I realized there is no Pregnancy Groups for my LHV Mama's. I know the struggles and Joy's of Motherhood and what it's like to need other Mama's and support and Friendships! That's why I created this Group are you currently expecting or have a little feel free to join and be uplifted, encouraged,supported and loved by others Mama's!

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J in Making friends


Mamas, I dont know about yall but at this phase in my life I am so LONELY. My friends are busy or inconsistent, I live in a town with my boyfriend’s family (who I’m not close with)… and the most decent convo I have all day is with a three year old. Looking for friends 💔

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Incognito in Smoking & health

Vaping!! 6 weeks pregnant

I’m a extreme vaper and I’m struggling to give up. I’ve cut down a tiny bit where it’s not always in my hand I keep it outside now and only vape outside but it’s still not really helping me to cut down as much as I want and try quit. Please any tips and anyone else that went or going through the same.

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Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Abortion after kids

Has anyone who has children had an abortion after? I have two children under 2 and step kids too and another kid just isn’t part of the plan, I’m so sure I don’t want another but now I’m in the position to need to have an abortion I can’t stop crying, but I can’t have another kid I just can’t. I don’t know what to d...

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B in Premature birth

IUGR, marginal cord insertion

Any mommies have a marginal cord insertion placenta? I was just told my baby may be iugr due to placenta placement, but many complications are in the air now.

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Incognito in Baby clothes

Kallax wardrobe hack

I want to do this in my kids room for my daughter but shes 2 and likes to empty out her current drawers if I forget to lock them 😅 is there a way to baby proof it? Mine has canvas boxes the same size as the squares I was thinking maybe a ribbon attached to 2 of them at the back so the boxes can’t come all the way o...

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