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M in Education

Back to school

Is anyone else sobbing on their kindergartener's first day of school. He never went to preschool and I'm a mess.

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S in Baby sleep

Nap trapped

We’re moving back to the US in a month so I’m decluttering what we haven’t used since we moved here. After 5 years as a Sahm I finally got a schedule down then we moved, unpacked the house which caused chaos, now to pack again. And I just had our second baby 🥴🥴 but today he only wants contact naps so I get to stare ...

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Incognito in Other

I told my husband I quit my job..He said OK..but I lied..this means I have to quit it for real!

🥹 I’m ready to quit so bad….its only part time and he pays all my bills! And I plan on finding another one

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Incognito in Household

Horrible housewive

I am a horrible housewife I have trouble staying organized and cleaning….my husband expects this from me since I don’t work…😐🤦🏽‍♀️ lol he knew I was messy when we were dating…I’m struggling..any good websites????

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  • Incognito

J in Religion


Im not going into details bc their are always a mixture of things when trying to explain anything , all im going to say is im a SAHM & just could use some prayers or light. I dont understand the my way or the high way attitude from family members & the if dont figure out why im upset im going to ignore you attitud...

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