Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

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Breastfeeding/Nursing & pumping Mamas

To help support all the mamas who are breastfeeding, nursing, pumping or all 3😊☺️ It can be hard. So this group is to support you mamas. PLEASE SHARE THIS GROUP WITH ANY FRIENDS OR FAMILY WHO MAY WANT TO JOIN. The more the merrier 💕

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L in Other

How long do you pump for?

I am EBF and pumping to have some extra milk in bottles for my husband to use and as a top up. So I usually breastfeed first and then pump after. I don't pump every time I breastfeed... I tend to pump at least twice a day and one time at night if I can be bothered (I prioritised sleep and breastfeeding my baby at ni...

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H in Pumping


How many oz is your little one taking on expressed breast milk?

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Pulling & grunting when feeding

Why is my 7 week old pulling back on my boob whilst feeding. She will not stay still it’s so uncomfortable 😭😭 constantly moving about she was never like this until two days ago. Is it because I’ve got my period?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding

Does anyone else feel this way or should I give up

My daughter won't latch. She's 7 weeks old. And gets very upset at the slightest feeling of a my nipple in her mouth I'm gaining this strong hate and anger towards pumping. I fucking hate it. I hate being on a 2-3 hour timer I hate carrying around pumps I hate wanting to just stay in the damn house bc it fucks up ...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Introducing formula!

My LG is 5 weeks old and I have been exclusively pumping. I am really struggling to keep up with her intake, I’m currently only 1 bottle ahead and I’m getting stressed about it. How do we introduce formula? Is it 1 oz at a time?

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