30 & Older Moms

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Positive connections for Moms who are 30 & Older

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S in Other


Okay so this is a whole new ball game to me as my last child was born 10 years ago. I am about 5w5d and trying to do some research. There are a lot more choices for hypoallergenic now than there was back then. What are the best wipes and diapers that you have found? My daughter was super allergic to Luvs and Pampers...

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

Scan -back pain

Had our 20 week scan this morning - it's a boy !!! The sonographer was lovely snd didn't feel like he was pressing too hard but after about 10 mins I got an excruciating pain in my lower right back. Sat up for a bit and he was lovely Then lay down so he could do the potty shot but pain started right away He aske...

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  • Incognito

A in Other

Walk outside of a newborn advice

Hi mamas, Could you please advice when is the best to take the newborn baby outside for a walk and for some sun? My girl is a week old. If I take her out, is it too early? Because vaccinations has not been done and I worry she may get cold. Any advice, appreciate it

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Coccyx pain

20 weeks pregnant. A little overweight, nothing drastic I'm like a 12/14 pre pregnancy. Coccyx is really hurting. Hurts to lay, sit or stand. Often mid to end of day. Been like this about a month. I have a special cushion I can use - any other advice ? Had it with my first pregnancy but third trimester, not as...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Fertility treatments


My husband and I have been together for 9 years (married for 1 year). I have a daughter (14 years old) from a previous relationship. We haven't used protection our whole relationship, and I haven't been on birth control since my daughter was 2. He used to say that he can't have kids, hence the reason I haven't gott...

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