30 & Older Moms

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Positive connections for Moms who are 30 & Older

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A in Baby & toddler food

Loaded with veggies

My kids ate so many vegetables today it was crazy Like not in “true” form but veggies nonetheless I made banana spinach muffins for breakfast that were topped with a walnut carrot streusel my son who acts like he doesn’t like anything green ate 6 of them Then lunch I made a green sauce for their pasta that had c...

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Incognito in Cribs & beds

Bunk bed dilemma

Help need some advice. I dont want my children sleeping in a bunk bed at their nans house. One child is 2 years and the other is 6 years. Im anxious that the 2 year old will jump off. Sorry should of specified that my 2year old copys everything his brother does. So if my eldest is on top i know he will climb up the...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby sleep

Rolling at 3 days old, help!

My 3 day old just rolled onto his side 3 times spontaneously whilst sleep fidgeting. We've been surviving on a blanket swaddle loose around the shoulders because he likes to have his hands near his face for comfort. As soon as babies show signs of rolling, swaddling must stop for safety but I have no idea how to k...

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Clotting during period??!

I have always had clots during periods, this time around they were pretty big. Anyone else experience the same?

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  • Incognito
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S in Baby milestones


My son holds his breath and kicks his legs for a few seconds . He then breathes again and does the same thing Iver and over again. I feel he's playing, but what a weird game. Anyone had that ?

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