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A place for Catholic moms to ask questions and share advice on helping yourself and children grow in the Catholic faith. Please use the pinned post at the top of the group to find or ask if there are any moms in your area.

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Incognito in Premature birth

NFP after birth?

I’m due in April with our surprise baby. We tried NFP after getting married and only lasted one cycle before finding out we are pregnant with our baby girl! Sometimes I think God has a sense of humor in that way haha I won’t get too into the reasons why we were trying not to get pregnant at first, but would like to...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

I really really need some advice

My husband and I are currently only legally married, with our Catholic Con-validation ceremony coming up. We quickly got married because of an unplanned pregnancy. We had a baby this past year and we were having some rough patches in our relationship throughout my pregnancy. When I was a few months postpartum I foun...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito
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Incognito in Family

Marriage struggles

I need help. My husband never shows affection. We haven’t been together sexually in almost three years. He never tries to touch me. I have to occasionally request a hug. But that’s it. Maybe once every couple of months. I’m an affectionate person I was before I met him. I feel incredibly alone. We have kids that why...

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  • Incognito

M in Parties & celebrations

Visiting Fatima with Baby

Hi Ladies, My family and I will be visiting Our Lady of Fatima with our 1 year old in fulfillment of a granted favor and in thanksgiving for the conception and birth of our son. Any ideas for an offering apart from the visit back and donation? Maybe flowers?

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Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Birth control

Im pregnant with my third child, my second it was a very traumatic birth which resulted in a c section severely damaging my uterus. With my current pregnancy, I have so much going on and high risk of uterine rupture. If this happens both the baby and I could potentially not make it. The doctor said my body cannot ha...

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