Baby wearing Group

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Baby wearing Group

Hi ladies, I am a peer supporter for my local sling library and so I wanted to set up a group for you mammas. If you are interested in carrying your baby in a sling/carrier and are not sure where to start then please ask and I will be here to help. I run the Bourne sling library in Lincolnshire if anyone is nearby and wants to pop and see me 😍

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H in Other

Baby wearing with an active newborn

Hi all! I have a five week old that I would love to baby wear! I have a wrap and a ring sling. In both, she moves and wiggles and extends her legs as much as she can until she works herself into funky positions or I start to feel like she’s not secure. She has been an extremely active baby from birth. Does anyone ha...

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A in Baby travel products

First wrap carrier

This is my first wrap carrier and I need more ways to tie it am I even doing it right😭I swear this was easier when she was newborn now she complains a lot in it and I’m just not sure if I’m not wrapping it right or if there’s a more comfortable way to do it?

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J in Baby travel products

New carrier

I’m looking for recommendations on an affordable carrier which will grow with my son who’s currently 11 months. Would like to be able to carry on my back too x

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L in Body temperatures

Is this okay?

It’s my first time baby wearing does this look okay?

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Incognito in Baby travel products

Looking for recommendations

I loved baby wearing with my first but we stopped when she outgrew the wrap. I’m due my second in may and my first will be 2 so I’m looking for recommendations we will be using the wrap until he gets too big for it but I’m kinda worried about what comes after that 😅 things like walking the dog with 2 babies isn’t go...

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