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Christian Mamas

You will find all the details of our weekly bible plan, within the YouVersion Bible App, posted in this group. Please share your favorite scriptures, podcasts, books, etc., in relation to all things as a Christian Mama! Provide support, encouragement, and love to one another. Lift each other up in prayer. Build friendships. Build community. Please be respectful of others; no drama, judgement or hatefulness. “If you can’t be friends with people who are different than you you’re in the cult of Christianity not the faith of It”- Annie F Downs 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

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Incognito in Other

I seen a post a woman posted about worship music and that made me want to make this post. Also welcome and so glad to have a new Christian sister❤️

Anyway I love SOUL music and if you have song recommendations specifically for that genre I’d love to listen to it. Thank you so much for reading ladies

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Other

Worship music

Hello, I just recently decided to devote myself to the lord and I’m looking for any recommendations on Christian music, worship music, or a word of the gospel to listen to on YouTube. Thank you!

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Incognito in Religion

Can someone please explain to me mark 2:19-22?🙏❤️

Is it insinuating we don’t fast? And in what way fast is it talking about?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Menopause

Anyone interested in joining my Christian romance bookclub we will meet virtually every 3 weeks after picking out a book.

I have this on in mind tho it’s more of a memoir.

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c in Religion

Who here in their late 30’s expecting 1st Child?

I I didn’t think I was able to get pregnant. I prayed and asked other people to pray for me, but my God’s grace I am expecting, but they are health issues that may harm the baby. I’m praying that with healthy eating and working out everything will be fine. So question for any women who are in their late 30s who had ...

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