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Incognito in Ovulation tests

Amh and internal scan results

Hi so my results were posted but my consult is not until next week, so...Google time. Could anyone please give their opinion about the following : 34yo 10 follicles on each ovary Amh 7.4 Chatgpt said amh is low but follicles seem OK? Any comments?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Other

Frozen embryo transfer

Hey girls, I started my period on the 23/03 and will have my scan on the 8/04 and then we will schedule the FET. They told me to take Progynova tablets 8mg a day until the scan, what I don’t understand is what does Progynova do? Because they will see me 16 days after my cycle started and they told me that I don’...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Pregnancy scans

FET 2nd April 🤞🏼

Hey girls! 🫶🏼 Had my monitoring scan today, lining is 7.5mm and follicle is 14mm, triggered whilst at the clinic & Double FET is booked for 2nd April - Anyone else on the same timeline? 🙌🏼💝

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Incognito in Pregnancy test results

Faint positives?

Hi everyone, I took these tests at 6dpt and 7dpt, the first was faint and I didn't want to get too excited in case it was an evap line, however the one I took this morning (the second one) is unmistakably red and came up like this within 5 minutes. Would you say this is a faint positive? 🙏🙏

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Transfer of embryos from one clinic to another

Hello everyone, we are moving our embryos from a clinic in the south to another in the north as we moved, I’m very anxious about it as I’m worried they won’t survive. Has anyone been in this position? Did you have a good outcome?

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