Incognito in Postpartum sex
2nd baby with prolapse
Hi, is it possible to have a second baby safely after having a uterine prolapse after my first baby?
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Pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor collapse/dysfunction support group.
Incognito in Postpartum sex
Hi, is it possible to have a second baby safely after having a uterine prolapse after my first baby?
Incognito in Postpartum mental health
I’m 10 months pp now but have had a worsening prolapse since 6 weeks pp. I am so ashamed of my body, I hate how I look, how I feel and nothing makes me feel good about myself. I just feel like I’ve caused this by not doing pelvic floor exercises properly before birth and it just makes me angry with myself. I have on...
Incognito in Miscarriage
I recently had a d&c surgery following a miscarriage and in the surgery they noticed I had a mild pelvic prolapse. Since the surgery the prolapse has got so much worse I have been referred to PT but I’m worried will it cause issues for future pregnancy’s/ fertility issues??
Incognito in Other
He literally can't finish as he says he can't feel anything, no tightness there at all. He tried to make me feel better, but I feel so ashamed. So sad. I'm just so damaged now.
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
So I’m a ftm. 9 weeks pp and I’ve noticed something sort of coming out of my vagina. Like part of my vagina is hanging out. I’m not sure what it is but I’m scared to go to doctors about it bc what if I need surgery or something?? I had a episiotomy so idk if it has something to do with that? Or if it’s a prolapse. I...