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Winchester and surrounding area group

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B in Local recommendations

Mum friends!

Hi! I’m a 27 year old mum with 2 girls under 2 - Winchester area and would love some more mum friends!

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3 likes,3 comments

N in Local recommendations

New to the area

Hellooo I’m a mum to be in July and will be moving to Winchester once my house has been fully renovated. Currently looking to meet some new mums to be friends ✨

  • N
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S in Local recommendations

Mums to meet

I was wondering if any mums would love to meet up, I have a little boy who is 5 and we would love to meet up with some other mums and children in Winchester

  • S
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1 likes,2 comments

C in Local recommendations

Hello local mums!

Hi all, I am wondering if there is anyone due around Oct/Nov interested in forming a little group? I am due with my second but would really love a chance to chat to any mums due around the same time as it was invaluable the first time around.

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M in Pregnancy care

Where are midwife appts held?

Hi! This is such a long shot, but worth a try. Is anyone able to tell me where midwife appointments are held please? I’m having a bit of nightmare, I’ve just moved here and was told over the phone that I had an appointment booked today and the location was in badger notes but the access code they gave me doesn’t wor...

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