Incognito in Pregnancy scans
Triplets - First Pregnancy
I found out I was expecting Triplets at a private scan at 7W3D. I don’t have my NHS scan until 12 weeks, is it safe to travel abroad at 9/10 weeks.
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Incognito in Pregnancy scans
I found out I was expecting Triplets at a private scan at 7W3D. I don’t have my NHS scan until 12 weeks, is it safe to travel abroad at 9/10 weeks.
J in Work & money
I've got a few more months to go but just wondering when you all started maternity leave?
Incognito in Baby sleep
Do/did your twins have set feeding times throughout the day at just over 3 months old? Mine change daily due to them going different lengths of time between feeds both day and night but ideally need them to feed at the same set times everyday due to being a single mum to 4 children
Incognito in Multiple birth
Just wondered how many of you went back to work after having twins or more? I just can't imagine myself going back tk work now 🙈 twins are my only babies btw.
E in Pregnancy care
I’m only 12 weeks with twins, but have been told I’ll see midwife as normal and consultant as well. I stupidly forgot to ask how often I’d see the consultant or when that would start from. When did you see them first during your multiple pregnancy?