Twins and Multiples UK 💂‍♀️🌧☕️👯‍♀️👸 🇬🇧

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Twins and Multiples UK 💂‍♀️🌧☕️👯‍♀️👸 🇬🇧

A group for mums and mum’s to be of twins and multiples in the UK

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Incognito in Pumping

Wearable breast pumps (UK please)

Does anyone have any recommendations for a double wearable breast pump? Had my twins last week & expressing just now as they’re in the NNU with feeding tubes. I would ideally like to breastfeed & bottle feed with expressed milk. Thank you!

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Head twisting ….

My son (3.5 months) seems to always twist his head to his left side when sitting in his bouncer whereas his twin brother will just look forward. I’m sure it’s harmless but just wondered why his preference is to look to the side most of the time. Even if I reposition his head he will turn it back. Has anyone else exp...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Other


Hey so im currently 10 weeks pregnant with twins and last 2 days experiencing a lot of heart palpitations just wondering if anyone else experienced this at all

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K in Multiple birth

Twins and a toddler 🥴

For anyone with an older child when you brought your twins home, how do you cope?! Tomorrow will be my first day on my own with my six week old twins and three and a half year old 😬. The twins are in a phase of both crying for milk at the same time (whereas one would sleep through the other’s cries in the early days...

  • K
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  • K

H in Baby travel products

Stretchy Sling

Does anyone have any good links/brands for a stretchy sling that’s big enough for twins? The one my cousin has is too small so don’t want to buy any sling just incase ☺️

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