Incognito in Other
Feel like I see something
I can see a line in person but scared it’s an indent and don’t want to get my hopes up. It’s been 3 years of trying
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A supportive community for women in the USA who are trying to conceive.
Incognito in Other
I can see a line in person but scared it’s an indent and don’t want to get my hopes up. It’s been 3 years of trying
Incognito in Other
My husband and I have been TTC for over a year. I use PreMom and Clear Blue monitor for fertility tracking. Have gotten standard fertility testing done with no clear signs of any flags, starting to feel really discouraged. Any tips or words of wisdom to live by? Thanks all!
J in Other
So I finally ovulated 9 days ago and I’ve been having prickly cramping on and off and the most sensitive nipples. I never have symptoms before my period so I’m hoping these are good signs. Anyone else 9dpo?
Incognito in First trimester worries
Do you think I'm at my peak?
T in First trimester worries
Please help, I don’t know if I’m just seeing things or if there’s a vvvfl there