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Incognito in Food & cooking

Cooking with coconut oil

Not a mom per say question but does anyone cook everything with coconut oil? I’ve been doing a lot of research and I see the only thing we should be cooking with is coconut oil/butter/ghee/tallow. Where I live getting tallow is not only difficult but expensive and butter is $9 each so I’m trying not to fly throug...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby products

Best eco friendly product recommendations for new moms?

Hi! I'm currently trying to conceive my first child, and also soon attending the baby shower for my sister inlaws second baby. I'm new to the world of eco-friendly baby products, so looking for what you all see as the essentials!

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

T in Baby products

Crunchy girls!

What deodorant?? I’ve tried Native, Arm&Hammer, Toms they don’t work and ingredients aren’t ideal. I tried Lume, that was better…but postpartum I feel like I can smell my armpits for the first time in my life and it’s driving me insane. What is actually safe and natural and works?! 😩😩

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J in Baby digestion

Stuttering 4yr old

So I was getting my daughter the basic vax that she needed for school until her 4th birthday. Since then we have decided not to get her vax anymore. After her 4 yr old vax she started stuttering idk if it’s related but it freaked me out.. it got really bad I tried all sort of things finally I got her some organic gu...

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S in Common illness

sick baby

My 10 month old has a fever of 103°, been continuing for 3 days now and a slight loss of appetite.. any advice???

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