J in Single parents
New relationship?
How long after you were no longer with the babies dad did you start to date or even just talk to other men? How did you know it was the right time to try ? X
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Single mummys but all is welcome
J in Single parents
How long after you were no longer with the babies dad did you start to date or even just talk to other men? How did you know it was the right time to try ? X
Incognito in Other
Naturally, the reasons leading us to be single mums is because we were let down or betrayed by the fathers of our children. If the child looks a lot like that person who hurt you, how do you feel about it? (Of course that doesn’t mean loving the child any less!)
Incognito in Other
Hello everyone, I'm just looking for some advice. My fiancée turned around to me two days ago and told me he is in love with another woman. This is the second time he has done it in the space of year, but it hurts more this time because our daughter of 18 months is at that stage where she runs around shouting Dadd...
G in Groups
Single sahm outside of edinburgh. I stay in a small town where I find it hard to meet and talk to other single mums in a similar situation. Would anybody be up for joining a WhatsApp group x
X in Groups
Hey there So I'm having like the shittest night I've had in a while realising I have literally 0 support and wondered if anyone would be up for a WhatsApp group for London based solo mums in similar shoes?