Artsy Crafty Mommas

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Artsy Crafty Mommas

A group for mommas to share arts and crafts! Get creative, be inspired, and encourage each other while making connections. đŸ«¶

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B in Baby clothes

Spooky tree

I know it's not as impressive as some of the other crafts I've seen in this group, but this handprint tree popped into my head and I haven't seen anything similar online, so I figured I'd share :)

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C in Mental health & wellbeing

A new project

Here is a new project I made today. Saw it on the "tube" this morning and decided to make it this afternoon. What do you guys think? PS: Sorry for all my projects lately. I am making things to supplement our Christmas funds.

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K in Menopause

New Project

Started this afghan last night. What do you all think? I will be posting updates if anyone is interested...

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C in Spirituality

My today's project

Not the welcome sign, that one will take a while. Here is the quick one. I would love feedback (the good AND the bad).

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F in Baby clothes

Our Upcyled Play ship!

Hubby and I love taking items that have been cast off and giving them new life. We were given an old sail boat that was no longer water worthy... we quickly began dreaming of making a Play ship for our little one! We even managed to pick up for free the slide that we brought back to life with much sanding to get...

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