B in Pregnancy test results
Definitely Positive
Waited 3 days to retest definitely growing my little bean.
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B in Pregnancy test results
Waited 3 days to retest definitely growing my little bean.
B in Pregnancy test results
Took a pregnancy test this morning with my first pee. I never had a test that looked like this before. Am I pregnant or is it a evaporated line? My period isn't due for 6 days and that test is a dollar tree test and I don't know how accurate they are that early.
Incognito in Pregnancy termination
I’m finding this TTC journey really lonely. I am officially last in my group of friends to have a baby. We have been trying for over 4+ years. Multiple miscarriages and was diagnosed with complex endometrial hyperplasia with atypia ( which a hysterectomy is considered good standard care in this instance) I’m in my ...
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
I’ve only 5 weeks pregnant and ate a bowl of sherry pasta, it was cooked at a very high temperature but now I’m so worried!
M in Other
What does it mean if you have a pregnancy test that the control line is darker than the test line? A week ago on the 15th I got a result on an ovulation test that it was my peak window and then a couple days later on the 20th I got my peak again? And I had some minor spotting today that was like a light watery brown .