Breastfeeding, Birth, & Beyond
Sade (Doula)  is a creator on PeanutSade (Doula)

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Breastfeeding, Birth, & Beyond

By Sade (Doula)

Breastfeeding shouldn’t feel like a chore. However, many obstacles can get in the way when you’re getting started. I created this group for moms who want to breastfeed, thinking of breastfeeding or are currently breastfeeding and need more support/information to continue on their journey. I’m a Certified Breastfeeding Counselor, Birth & Postpartum Doula serving new and expectant moms. I look forward to connecting with you and making your Breastfeeding journey as seamless as possible.

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Stopping breastfeeding

So finally I’ve managed to drop quite a lot of day feeds for my little one as I’m trying to stop breastfeeding her by the time she’s two which is coming up very soon. We now only feed to sleep and first thing in the morning. The only issue I have now come across is that my boobs are hurting mainly my nipples. Just...

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  • Incognito

S in Breastfeeding


My 3 month is idk if because she growing or because I’m getting milk but when she sucks j get a sharp pain in my nipple How can I prevent this from happening again I dnt want to take away her boob but also she dnt accept bottle no more

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Baby breastfeeding shorter

My baby is 9 weeks and is not feeding for anywhere near as long as usual. 5 minutes every 2 hours if I’m lucky. Whenever I try put her near the boob after she’s pulled off she just screams? Should I be worried

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Birth question!

I’m only in the early stages of my second pregnancy but since I’ve fallen pregnant I’m constantly thinking about my birth already! Due to a horrible birth and a 3rd degree tear, forceps & episiotomy I lost 1000ml of blood - does anybody know from previous births if I will go on to have a normal birth again or will ...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Is there anything to promote good future milk production while pregnant

I want to have a good production I just would like to know if there is anything I can do now while pregnant that I should be eating or drinking to provoke that

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