Lip and Tongue tie support

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Lip and Tongue tie support

I created this group to help those mommies that never knew about lip or tongue ties and for those who weren’t able to breastfeed due to having difficulties with latch and having discomfort. Feel free to add anyone you like, you never know if there’s a momma out there that never knew their little one had any ties.

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o in Baby care

Tongue tie

My son is 9weeks old and I suspect he has a tongue tie because at first he really struggled to latch but is okay with the bottles. It was my dad who pointed it out and asked I take him to the doctor. Went to my Gp and I was dismissed and asked me to speak to the HV. Why was I asked to speak to the HV? Can the Gp n...

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Incognito in Other

Duration of feeds and the gap in between feeds

My boy is 13 weeks doesn’t latch longer than 4-8 minutes per feed. Is this normal? How long does your little ones go between feeds and how long do they latch in the same age as mine? Any advice ? Had his tongue tie divided 15th Jan ever since then he has been EBF (no bottles were given) ! Even before that he was ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Toddler tongue tie

Hi! My toddler always had a tongue tie, but his pediatrician never thought that cutting it was necessary. Now he is 2 years old, and we can definitely notice that it’s affecting his pronunciation. Anyone knows if it’s too late to do the procedure?

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Incognito in Baby care

Tongue Tie After Care

My LB is 11+ weeks old and had his tongue tie released this morning. He has been ok ever since and did feed a couple of times after that too. I need advice on the after care and how I can take care of him for the next couple of days, also is calpol paracetamol recommended even if he doesn’t have any temperature, j...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Baby care

Tongue tie release while nose congestion - PLEASE HELP

I have the ENT appointment tomorrow and they ve told me they’re gonna have a look at the little ones tongud tie and release it if necessary. Appointment is tomorrow and my LB is having a stuffy nose and struggling a bit to breath because of the nose block. Clingy as ever and little hard to feed him not impossible. ...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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