Single Mom

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Single Mom

This group is for anyone raising a child alone, grandmom, aunts, moms, sister. Join us uplifting, supporting, encouraging each other, share your story. It takes a village to raise a child.

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M in Other

Newly Single

Hi all! As the title states, I’m newly single. My life is a bit of a mess right now 😅 Me and my child’s dad split but we have to live in the same house until June. We both refuse to break the lease. But he is dating again and it’s so hard for me! Harder than I thought it would be. I’m happy for him but sad for our s...

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Coping with addiction?

I have been raising my sisters kids since both were born. I am young and this is not how I pictured my life but I wouldn’t trade my babies for the world. My sister has no interest in being a mom except when it makes her look good. She’s still in active addiction shows up maybe once a month for what’s suppose to be a...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Mental health & wellbeing

“Fun” aunt in the mother’s position

Hey ladies! I am 21 years old and raising my niece and nephew. My niece is 3 and my nephew is 8 months old. They’re my absolute world. But I am struggling with making friends as no one seems to understand the situation. My sister is deep into active addiction. I’ve had my niece since she was 9 months old and got big...

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B in Childcare

Transportation for kids

I now work 12hr shifts an i am having issues with transportation for my 4 year old. I found a childrens transportation service has anyone heard of this?

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B in Making friends

I need friends!

Single mom if 3 with not one single friend. Let's chat ladies

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