Life with fibroids

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Life with fibroids

for those who are TTC or who are going through pregnancy after being diagnosed with Fibroids

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A in Postpartum symptoms

Can you shrink fibroids?

I have fibroids that are growing fast. They have grown from 4cm to 7.5cm in less than 2 months during my pregnancy. I have had a lot of internal bleeding from the fibroids pushing on things and pain. Apparently the fibroid is close to the baby :( Is there anything I can do to stop it growing or shrink it? Any advic...

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J in Birth control

Oriahnn for fibroid shrinkage

Just started taking oriahnn… has anyone-taking this medicine to shrink fibroids.

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Incognito in Other

Pregnancy and fibroids (positive stories only please)

Hello! I just found out I am pregnant and I have 2 small intramural fibroids. I am getting very anxious about them. Of course, I will ask questions during health check ups but please, could you share your POSITIVE stories and testimonies of your pregnancy with fibroids. I am very anxious and already read scary thing...

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C in Postpartum symptoms

Pregnancy post myomectomy

I recently had major surgery to remove multiple fibroids, with the biggest one being 16cm! They couldn’t remove them all as would leave my uterus in too much of a mess Is there anyone who has got pregnant after having this? And any tips?

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Incognito in Body changes

Picture of fibroid

FYI this is what a 15 cm necrotic fibroid that was taken out of me looked like. In case y'all were wondering what is invading our bodies

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