TTC After an Ectopic pregnancy

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TTC After an Ectopic pregnancy

This group is for women who went through an ectopic pregnancy,, life after an ectopic pregnancy

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Incognito in Trying for a baby

Periods after surgery

I had my right tube removed November 5th, got my period 16th of December then nothing until yesterday my period came again. I’m now ready to start TTC again but I’m worried my cycles are going to be difficult to track, is this normal following an ectopic or did everyone’s periods just go back to normal ??

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Incognito in Miscarriage

Diagnosed with PCOS after

After my miscarriage then ectopic I’ve been diagnosed with PCOS and now on metformin to try and control it and get my left ovary working properly again 🙏🏻 Has anyone got similar stories? Would love any tips and tricks, it’s been nearly a year since I had right tube salpingectomy and no luck. Currently my right o...

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  • Incognito

T in Postpartum mental health


I had a ectopic pregnancy back in October, I feel like only now I properly grieving and processing it all, just thinking about how different this year would of been and the milestones we would of had like scans and things like that. Did anyone else feel this way a couple of months after? Just feel so lost and alone.

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Incognito in Pregnancy termination

Getting pregnant after Ectopic

I found out I was pregnant late October last year on the 7th of November I had keyhole surgery to remove my left tube as it was an ectopic pregnancy I have found since then it’s been really hard trying to get pregnant again did or does anyone else have this issue if so how can you resolve it. I have a 1 year old alr...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Miscarriage

New pregnancy and scared of ectopic

I had an ectopic a few years ago, followed by a miscarriage and then my son! I’m now pregnant again after 18 Months of trying. I’m terrified of another ectopic or miscarriage forgotten what an anxious time this is!!

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