Conceiving via IVF or IUI

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Conceiving via IVF or IUI

For woman going through IVF or IUI procedure

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Possible Depression During Pregnancy

I am working really hard to put healthy boundaries in place with some of my family members and needless to say it’s not going well. I didn’t expect it to be perfect but I’m really struggling to find the point in it since there’s been so much backlash towards me and it’s putting me in a pretty low mental state. I am ...

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  • Incognito

L in Fertility treatments


My IVF baby after 5 transfers - the 5th pregnancy, this is HOPE! Keep trying, I know it's not easy.

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C in Fertility treatments

About to start our first IVF round

Have I got any buddies to share this with? Picked up my medication today to start on cd2 next week 😱 Also, any tips or tricks or success stories welcome. We are 2 years TTC with unexplained infertility and 2 chemical pregnancies.

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B in Other

Embryo Quality - how to improve.

Hi, I've recently had my first failed IVF cycle. 15 eggs were collected, and only 7 embryos survived. Thesr Embryos however were very low quality and only 1 made it to day 5 and was just reaching blastocyst stage. I've asked the Embryologist why quality was so low and how quality can be improved but she said she can...

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Incognito in Signs of labor

TMI lol Excessive Discharge & Stims

Ok yall - I’m on day 12 of stims and kitty is super juicy today lol 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I’m making light of course but just checking …. Has anyone else experienced this? Is this normal?

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