Incognito in Childbirth
Vbac after being induced?
Has anyone had a vbac after being induced? Baby is measuring small of the charts and I’m going to be induced soon and worried I won’t get my vbac especially with baby measuring so small
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A group for women hoping to have a vaginal birth after C section, and for women who have had vbacs to share their stories.
Incognito in Childbirth
Has anyone had a vbac after being induced? Baby is measuring small of the charts and I’m going to be induced soon and worried I won’t get my vbac especially with baby measuring so small
Incognito in Home birth
Would love a home birth with my second and was looking to hear your successful vbacs/home births
Incognito in Other
Does anyone have experience drinking raspberry tea to prepare for Labour? I am 32 weeks and drank my first cup today. I felt a little weird. Is there too many risks to drinking this as there’s not enough evidence it can help with labour? Any insights are appreciated.
S in Other
For those of you that have had a successful vbac, what were some pros and cons to your vbac?
Incognito in Other
Hello! Just wondering if anyone got a doula the second time around for better chances of a successful VBAC. Would love to know your experience and whether it was worth it! Thanks so much.