Vaginal birth after C section VBAC

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Vaginal birth after C section VBAC

A group for women hoping to have a vaginal birth after C section, and for women who have had vbacs to share their stories.

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Incognito in Childbirth

Who had VBAC after planned C-section how long and how was the labour?

1st pregnancy had planned c-section due to baby being breech so never experienced going into labour. Have been told because of this my second labour will be long as first labour as baby never went through birth canal. That is not super inspiring :))) what are your experiences?

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Incognito in Other

stretch and sweep

I will be 38 weeks tomorrow and am being offered stretch and sweeps early due to health issues. I wasn’t able to get one this week so my midwife is going to try next week. Just wondering how far along everyone was when they first got a stretch and sweep

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Incognito in Induced labor

For those who had a vbac how many weeks+days were you when you went into labour?

Currently 32 weeks and desperate for a vbac but they want to induce at 37/8 weeks and I don’t think I’ll go into labour before then💔

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Incognito in Childbirth

Planned c section with hopes for VBAC

Hi there ! Did anyone schedule a planned c section as a back up plan whilst still hoping for a VBAC? Just curious when you scheduled this back up plan if so, and your story if possible - ie - did you end up having a VBAC or planned c section? After speaking to a doctor, the thought of induction as one option is no...

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Incognito in Childbirth

Vbac after breech birth

I’ve never had contractions or my waters go before, my first baby was breech so I had a planned c section. In some ways I’d rather try for a vbac for the recovery but im also so scared, what if my body labours up to 8/9cm then can’t anymore?! Because my body hasn’t done it before it’s hard to know which birth I want...

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