Elimination Communication

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Elimination Communication

A place for practitioners of and those interested in EC. Elimination communication (EC) is the art of using timing, signals, cues, and intuition to address an infant's need to eliminate waste into an appropriate place (e.g. toilet) rather than a diaper. Practiced full-time, part-time, or occasionally with babies who are younger than standard “potty training age”.

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M in Potty training

15 months - don’t feel anywhere near “wrapping up” or moving to cotton pants

Has been cruising for 3 months but still not walking. Started EC at 11 months. He quickly caught on that poo goes in the potty and was basically “poop trained” within a couple of weeks. This has been my priority. We don’t try to catch every pee but go for all the easy catches. Had a little regression recently with...

  • M
  • M
  • M

E in Baby sleep

What's everyone's routine for their 6month old?

We've been doing EC since birth and have managed to catch all her poos since 3months and wees when she wakes up from naps but wondering how everyone manages at night at this age ? She sleeps through from 8-5/6am but would sleep longer if she wasn't waking fidgeting and uncomfortable needing a poo she usually goes wh...

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Incognito in Potty training


Hi everyone. I’m having a really hard time. I started EC potty training at 8 months old. My baby took to it naturally, it was going so well. I was already very in tune with her schedule, catching 7 pees a day, and since starting we have caught 100% of poops in the toilet. Recently she started curling up away from t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Baby products

Newborn experiences & best clothing + night-feeds advice

Hi, I'm due in spring (UK) and planning to start EC from birth. Can anyone share their experience/tips with newborns? Did you still use diapers just in case? Which clothes worked best for you? Curious about nightfeeds too. Planning to breastfeed and co-sleep. It seems they recommend 'sitting' the baby on the top...

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A in Potty training

How do you offer outside of the house?

I was only doing easy catches till now but I worked out the natural timing. Thing is my LO can take ages to relax and release on potty. If I'm at a friend's house I wouldn't want to spend forever with him in the bathroom so is it still worth it to offer it but put him back in a pullup after five minutes? So that he...

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