weaning and baby led weaning 💛

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weaning and baby led weaning 💛

thought id make a place for people to share meal ideas, weaning advice , medical advice etc. ftm so im just doing the best we can 😅 but aren't we all haha

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Starting solids and allergies

My LB is about to start solids soon. He’s currently ebf and doesn’t seem to have any allergies to anything in my diet. Could he still be allergic to foods when he starts eating them himself? For example, I’ve always eaten eggs whilst breastfeeding him and he seems fine. Could he still be allergic to eggs when he sta...

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Incognito in Baby digestion

Throwing up after food

My little girl is 6 months and I've started to wean but 9/10 times she's sick after I give her something l. She's never been a sicky baby even with her bottle. Can anyone give me any tips or advice see if it's something I'm doing or if I can do something different

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food


My baby is 8 months old , started weaning her at beginning of November when she was 6 months she loves the fruit pouches , loves porridge for breakfast, comes to dinner time she doesn’t like the (7months+) jars or pouches I give her nor the stuff I make her and chunky blend either. What do I do ? I didn’t have this ...

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Incognito in Breastfeeding


We officially made it to a year of breastfeeding! Now that we’re weaning, I’ve been experiencing some crazy cramping in my pelvis/abdominal region. I’ve already had my first pp period and it’s not due again yet — has anyone else experienced this? Is it hormonal?

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Incognito in Other

Oats to use for baby porridge

I bought some baby porridge but looking at the ingredients I’m thinking it’s better to use oats. Is there any particular ones that would be best to use for a 6 month old?

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