weaning and baby led weaning 💛

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weaning and baby led weaning 💛

thought id make a place for people to share meal ideas, weaning advice , medical advice etc. ftm so im just doing the best we can 😅 but aren't we all haha

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Incognito in Weaning


What did you give your LO the first time you gave them homemade puree food?

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Struggling with baby feeding

At a complete loss with feeding my 9 month old. She is currently only willing to eat baby food packets (10 month+) and will point blank refuse any home made food. I will try my best to make it the same type of texture however she will not touch it. It’s giving me a bloody complex 😂 surely my cooking can’t be that b...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

O in Other

Weaning books

Looking for recommendations on books I can read prior to starting my baby’s weaning journey. Hoping to do a mixture of BLW and purées. Thanks in advance! ☺️

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

Weaning at 4 months instead of 6 months

Hi, So, I took my baby to the health visitor feeling like she was ready for weaning. She's having 7oz every 1.5 hours, very unsettled and showing interest in my food. She literally stares at me whilst I eat opening and closing her mouth like a fish. She's 4 months old and the health visitor agreed that she would be...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Other

Breakfast recipes

Has anyone got simple breakfast recipes. For ages we have just done porridge or toast. The occasional yogurt and fruit and I did do apple pancakes. We don't have the same meals so ideally something for 1 or a small batch make as I don't have the space to freeze or refrigerate.

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