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Gestational Diabetes

A group for women who have been diagnosed with GD

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S in Weight regulation

Small baby

Did anyone else have a smaller baby even with GD. I was told all along that he was quite big and I was diet controlled the whole time and he has come out 6 pound 3, which shocked me as one point he was the 79th percentile when I had a 36 week growth scan and and now that he is here he’s the 9th. It makes me feel lik...

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M in Other

Food timing and getting enough calories

What is everyone’s eating schedule like? I’m really struggling…. I’ve never been one to have three set meals a day… I normally just snack when I’m hungry. It’s been hard to know when to measure… because if I don’t really have a lunch, do I measure 2 hours after a midday snack? What if I had another snack during that...

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A in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Glucose test today

I had my glucose test this morning - bloods, drink, 2 hour wait, second bloods. The drink was fine, as I've seen others say it was like a capri sun, the after taste wasn't great but it went away with water. Apparently the glucose drink they used to use was more like a thick syrup, where as this one was literally ju...

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Incognito in First trimester worries

Drip during labour?

I found out yesterday I’ll have to be on a continuous drip during labour I had no idea this was a thing. Apparently something to do with the fact I’m on insulin? Even though I only take once a day and atm only 7ml. Has anyone else had this? No idea it was a thing

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Y in Other

Do you still snack after the diagnosis?

After my diagnosis, I just assumed I wasn’t able to snack and only ate during breakfast/lunch/dinner.

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