Trying to conceive struggles

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Trying to conceive struggles

Come here to have a good rant about your experience and journey of trying to conceive, the good and the bad ♥️

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B in Early pregnancy symptoms

Confusion and provera

Okay y'all so I'ma try to make this short but my midwife has me taking provera until April 29th with the main Dr . Wednesday I had like normal bleeding for what I thought was my period yet now yesterday and today I've had no bleeding but my midwife says to continue the provera since I started on Wednesday. My fear i...

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S in Miscarriage

GRAPHIC PHOTO - TTC 5 years - is this a miscarriage?

Hi all, Long story short, hubby and I have been TTC since summer 2019. Been through 1 cycle of IVF with no positive test at the end, 1 natural BFP last year that ended in a miscarriage. I came back from holiday last week, been on period delay pills, and started bleeding a few days after I stopped taking them as ex...

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Incognito in Pregnancy test results


period is due in 2 days, this line showed up basically straight away had a miscarriage a few months ago so super nervous

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Incognito in Trying for a baby

Bittersweet mini rant

Ttc first (probably only) baby for 1.5y. PCOS and don't ovulate. We just spent the weekend with our friends and had a wonderful time with their baby. It was amazing, but it also hurt deeply that we don't have that ourselves. Just needed to get that off my chest.

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A in Other

Please leave a comment with your opinion!💜

I need a fresh set of eyes!! 3 of these are ovulation tests I’m currently 4 day past ovulation and I already hit my peak earlier and still bright positive the rest of the tests are first response, and then 1 20hcg test What do you guys think??? And those definitely aren’t indent lines they aren’t gray or shadowy the...

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