E in Health & nutrition
Gluten free diet
Does everyone with hashimotos need to go gluten free?
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E in Health & nutrition
Does everyone with hashimotos need to go gluten free?
T in Sleep & tiredness
I am a cycle breaker but it's really hard with my fluctuating energy levels. Made my kid a chart so she knows where we stand during the day, hopefully will reduce her anxiety and improve the problem behavior that saps my energy.
H in Sleep & tiredness
I am CONVINCED I have hypothyroid or something similar. I have a lot of the symptoms. Extreme fatigue- I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning and I am exhausted all day long no matter how much sleep I get. I'm ready for a nap as soon as I get up. I'm always freezing- I always have been no matter how much w...
So I've been doing my meditation consistently for several months and that has helped me appreciate my girls ages and things that are going well. But man this summer is still kicking my butt. Sometimes it's the heat, sometimes it's my oldest wearing me out, definitely the toddlers wakeups, sometimes I can't wake up f...
M in Pregnancy test results
About 6 years ago I was tested for hypothyroidism due to feeling really fatigued all the time. They found I have subclinical hypothyroidism which means my TSH was high but my T4 was normal. I also tested positive for thyroglobulin antibodies (it was 18) but negative for peroxidase antibodies. I started levothyroxin...