COVID-19: UK Mamas

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COVID-19: UK Mamas

A safe space for coronavirus information, support, and advice during such an uncertain time.

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N in Work & money

Maternity leave

Hi. This is my second pregnancy. I'm currently 21 weeks. When do people usually take maternity leave. I was studying when I had my first so wasn't working at the time. Thanks

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Incognito in Other

Meal ideas?

Can anyone give me some meal ideas? I'm no good at cooking and usually we eat junk food but I want to fix that and start the family eating better without it costing a fortune though.

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  • Incognito

S in Family

won’t be alone

my little boy won’t go anywhere alone, not even to the toilet. when does this end?! i have a 12 month old too, recently single and left to do everything. i cant be with him every second that im home he wont even sleep alone now. he’ll tell me he needs a wee and wait for me to finish feeding his sister which sometime...

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Incognito in Fostering & adoption


Hello my lovelies , just looking to see if anyone’s had the same issue and what they done to solve it ? So I’m going to be getting my 2 kids passports they’re dads on the birth certificate but he doesn’t see them or contact them and I’ve no idea how to contact him either to get his permission is there a way I can g...

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C in Other

Holiday in Ibiza in May?

Hiya guys!! Does anyone know what the weather is like in Ibiza in May and whether it is warm enough to take a child away that time?

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