Gentle Sleep Solutions

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Gentle Sleep Solutions

This group is ran by 2 certified pediatric sleep consultants. This group is for moms to discuss sleep training alternatives to “cry it out” but there is never any judgement no matter what sleep training method you use! All opinions welcome, but the core of this group is that we are supportive of babies being able to fall asleep independently (or better know as ‘sleep trained’).

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R in Baby sleep

11 months and never slept more than 3hrs straight

Our baby is 11 months old and is awake every 2 hours throughout the night (and always has been!). IT IS KILLING US. I am like the walking dead. He goes down around 7pm and wakes for the day around 7am. He usually requires boob to resettle in the night but sometimes my husband can do it but it’s taking much longer th...

  • R
  • R
  • R
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Incognito in Baby sleep

What is everyone’s opinion on cry it out method?

My 8 month old won’t sleep independently and I’m at such a loss. When we manage to put her down to sleep she’ll wake up 1-2 hours later and it’s another fight to get her back to sleep,, it can take hours… I tried the cry it out method but felt so awful, she fell asleep sitting up and fell back hitting her head on th...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Baby sleep

Toddler sleep

Hello all, I have a 14 month old that has never slept through the night, but lately he has been doing a 4-5 hour solid sleep once he’s down at bedtime but then will be restless and constantly fussing fidgeting or little cries for the rest of the night. Does anybody know why this could be?

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Baby sleep

Sleep Advice

So my son has a bed time of 8:00-8:30 depending on when he’s ready for bed. He wakes up 2-3 times a night still and will wake up at 6:30-7 ready for the day most days. He takes about 2 naps during the day he’s always slept in his bassinet/crib first nap is always the longest usually about 1 1/2-2 hours and the secon...

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Incognito in Baby sleep

9 month old- waking 4-7x nightly

I’ve always breastfed baby to sleep. She had really bad reflux early on and had to sleep on my chest for the first 12 weeks. She still needs to be be fed the sleep and carefully transferred. She does go to bed around 7:30/8:00 but then will wake every 1.5-2 hours for the entire night. Sometimes I feed her, sometimes...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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