Incognito in Trying for a baby
Cycle buddy
Looking for Cycle buddy! I am 10 Dpo and got a VVVVVF line. Just want someone to go through this anxiety together as I had chemical pregnancy last cycle
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trying for baby # 2
Incognito in Trying for a baby
Looking for Cycle buddy! I am 10 Dpo and got a VVVVVF line. Just want someone to go through this anxiety together as I had chemical pregnancy last cycle
D in Ovulation tests
Peak on ovulation test 2 days ago... Spotting brown today... Anyone know what this could be?
J in Other
Ok so this is/was my first cycle trying for a second baby and i started bleeding heavily day 26 of my cycle only 7DPO and was bummed because that means not pregnant but also potentially not a long enough luteal phase to even have a chance. I bled heavily Friday Saturday and Sunday which was weird and then today noth...
T in Parties & celebrations
I’m definitely excited
Incognito in Ovulation tests
Hi TTC mums Am I ovulating please?