Mum life 👩‍👧👩‍👦

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Mum life 👩‍👧👩‍👦

Hi everyone😊 this group is for positivity in this lockdown for mums to interact and avoid the negativity that is going on in the world right now! Come and say hello 👋 #ChitChat

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H in Other

Lost Inhaler Pump

I took a few seconds to text my boss and let her know I wouldn’t be able to make it to work today and my son got his inhaler off the table (I was gonna give him his inhaler after I text my boss). I’ve been looking high and low for the pump and I haven’t been able to find it yet. Now I’m panicking because idk if his ...

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A in Baby sleep


i’ve slept with my son pratically since he was born he was always by my side one way or another amd always fell asleep pretty much fast too… but when he’s asleep in his own bed and i’m in mine it takes me FOREVER. to fall asleep…. anyone else….

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A in Family

Is it just me???

Is it just me or does anyone else get annoyed when a non parent female tries to give advice about your child and tell you what is wrong with your child or what to do with your child.

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A in Pregnancy test results


y’all… i’m shaking lol

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E in Pregnancy scans

Please help, I need hope

Today I had my 20 week anatomy and gender scan. We found out that were pregnant with our first boy which we were so excited about, we heard his strong heartbeat and I left the scan feeling so happy and relieved. But later this evening I got a call from a Dr who told me that his brain doesn't look like it's developed...

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