Moms in their 30’s

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Moms in their 30’s

This group is for all moms in their 30’s

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Really struggling

I’m struggling and could encouragement from someone who has been through this! I’ve been a nervous wreck since my daughter turned one in December. We went on a trip and on the way to the airport she threw up and proceeded to throw up 3 times on the plane it was terrifying and the next day she was completely fine as ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Gifting

American Express

If you saw someone using an Amex card, what do you think?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Discouraging and pissed

I am so dang pissed at my husband. When it comes to our baby, he makes me feel like I'm always in the wrong and a bad mom. First it was the way I wash bottles ("oh, you do it THAT way? You don't do XYZ?"), then it was the diapers I got. Lately, with us trying to get her into more solids, I am apparently doing everyt...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Estrogen Patch/Estradiol

I had a D&C procedure/surgery this week because part of the placenta was left behind post delivery…. While I was asleep they prescribed me on estrogen patch and a pill that fights infection. Do you know why I would be on Estrogen or if it’s safe to breastfeed with it? I’m feeling off today and I don’t know if it has...

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B in Baby products

Freya app

Due to have a baby 2nd May and was wondering what people's experiences are with the Freya app to monitor contractions at home first? I appreciate it's only £5 to install just wasn't sure whether it's actually beneficial? Thank you 🤍

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