- Moms who Co Parent -

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- Moms who Co Parent -

A place where moms of all kinds can respectfully share tips/ tricks/ advice/stories/comments /encouragement/ etc. about coparenting. ~~> Let’s please remember to be respectful of views that differ from yours. We’re all in this to help our babies 💕<~~

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A in Mental health & wellbeing

Anyone else feel sad and lonely when your kid goes to their fathers house for the weekend.?

This is the first time in a year or two I think since my son went to stay over to his dads for the weekend. I feel so sad and lonely and with anxiety now that he just left. I love my son and he’s been asking to go to his dads. He just turned 7 and I don’t want to not let him go just because he doesn’t send child sup...

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A in Single parents

Parenting Time Issues

Just a question looking for other POV.. so, my daughters dad has been forcing weekly parenting time 2 1/2 hours every other day Monday, Wednesday & Friday every week. Which is just another appointment and thing i have to work around. So far after going to court again, he’s only shown up for HALF his visits this mont...

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Incognito in Family

Advice on co-parenting

My STBXH is about to move 2 hours away from me, which is fine, but the only issue is coming up with a schedule. His only 2 options are 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off, or our son living with him permanently, which is a straight no. I have my son most of the time, so 2 weeks of not having him is something I'm not sure I w...

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Incognito in Legal

What do I do?!

My ex and I co parent (me being the main caregiver) he sees our son one night a week only just after not being able to see him for a year… I’m the gentle parent and he’s the hot head…hence why we broke up, his dad can be very agressive. now he’s just messaged me saying that my sons cousins were throwing things at hi...

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Incognito in Other

Need advice

So my child’s father and I have our child close to 50/50. I hired an attorney early in because coparenting was such a nightmare and was hoping a set schedule would fix any conflicts. But it is still such a struggle to communicate. I try to stay direct, to the point, and only talk when it’s about her. But he will oft...

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