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L in Other

Hands free breast pump

I am due December with my second baby. I breastfed my first for 15 months but she would never take a bottle (I AM NOT making that mistake again!) Any advice on hands free breast pumps? UK only please

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Should I stop the formula at night?

Ebf my baby the last nine weeks.. the night time has been rough to say the least. Baby is up every hour an half to hours looking fed. No matter what. I think we have had one night where he slept from 10-4am. I went and got the nannycarw goat milk formula and give it to him last night to see if it helps with him slee...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Breastfeeding

Nursing aversion due to poor latch

Any advice on how to improve latch and positioning with an older child? I'm tandem feeding my nearly 3yo and 4 month old and getting aversion when my older child feeds which I think is mainly due to poor latch, it gets worse as the feed goes on and my breasts are emptier

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Incognito in Baby digestion

4 week old not pooped for 24hrs

Hi, My 4 week old boy has not had a poop for nearly 24hrs. He is exclusively breastfed with the exception of having 1 formula bottle of (2oz) just before bed. I can hear a lot of belly rumbling, but he is eating and sleeping well. Is this normal? Or should I consult with the health visitor?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Breastfeeding

Laying down brestfeeding

Hello I’m 10day postpartum and breastfeeding I was wondering do yall lay down and breastfeed is it good or bad!

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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