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Baby Daddy Drama

A safe place to vent about those headaches rather it’s good or bad we all need to get a lot off our chest

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R in Other

Anyone awake

Anyone wanna talk ? Chat on here or ft

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Incognito in Other

So why did my BD just tell me not to make his sons soft😒

I just told him I'm signing my two boys up for gymnastics and he says whatever you do don't make my boys soft I know you got that mother love or whatever but don't make them soft and don't be baby them. 3 & 5 year old. Like wtf does that mean sir?!?!? Should I be annoyed he gets on my nerves

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Postpartum sex

Is your baby dad a man h**?

I feel like just realizing that has made me so disgusted

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Incognito in Other

Has anyones bd ask abt the income tax return?

My bd is a brokey & said if I’m not giving him half to not be on him abt money. That was his response to me asking if he can send me money (after two months of not receiving anything )

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Incognito in Other

Am I in the wrong

So I just miscarried at 7 weeks and literally just got off the toilet from miscarrying the baby sac and stuff very not nice and he knew this. I came into the room and he told me to look at the door at what the dog did and it was all muddy paw prints all over my door and over my walls. Anyways I’m in a lot of pain li...

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