Keeping sane during TTC

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Keeping sane during TTC

A group to share ideas, thoughts about how to keep yourself sane and reduce stress during TTC. Perfect for those who’d like to keep their life (and sex life!) as normal as possible whilst giving the best chance they can to conceiving. Share anything you’d like!

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S in Fertility treatments


My girlfriend🏳️‍🌈and I recently decided to try for a baby but we’re doing our research and seeing that it’s pretty expensive for donor sperm , we also decided to do an IUI from home but still is seeking a donor not sure if any of you ladies have any information about this plus we’re in Toronto . 1. Seeking more do...

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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Driving myself crazy

We’ve been ttc for almost a full year and I really thought it would have happened by now. As Christmas approaches I have been feeling lower than ever watching people do things with their children and the excitement of it all and I’m just not sure how to mentally get through this. I honestly feel like I’m grieving. T...

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  • Incognito

H in Pregnancy test results

Neon yellow urine

(I have no idea where else to ask this question) Last night I started having neon yellow urine. Nothing has changed. I’m still getting neg. On tests but I’m only 8DPO… did anyone else’s urine change? Wondering if hcg is still not strong enough to pick up but my urine is changing… I’m not dehydrated. No new meds. ...

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Incognito in Ovulation tests

Have I missed the boat.

Here is my two apps that state I ovulated on different days. Unfortunately my husband was away over the weekend. So last baby danced Friday! I didn’t get any real cramping till last night, Sunday. Have I missed the boat?

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L in Ovulation tests

Clear blue ovulation test

Has anyone ever not had a smiley face/ positive ovulation test and still got preg? I have all the symptoms last few days of ovulation but no positive test.

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