First Trimester Mummies

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First Trimester Mummies

For women who are newly pregnant and would love some advice, ears to listen and ladies to talk to about our experiences 😀

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E in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

So damn anxious.

This is my 2nd pregnancy & the first trimester anxiety definitely isn’t easier this time around. Just took my NIPT test Saturday & I feel like this time my anxiety is through the roof. With my daughter I didn’t question the NIPT at all. 😭

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Very light brown discharge

Hey, I am just over 6 weeks pregnant and today have had very light brown discharge when I wipe. It is very light. I popped a pad on to try and see what was going on and it’s very light but noticeable. Has anyone had this before? Calling doctors first thing but I am panicking.

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Morning sickness

Sick note?

I’m 14 weeks pregnant and struggled so bad from 5 weeks with morning sickness (off work the whole of December) been back at work since the beginning of January and I spend 1/2 days at work and I’m so completely exhausted that it makes me physically ill. I was feeling better after having time off in December and now ...

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Incognito in Other

11 weeks and change of symptoms

So I’m 11 weeks pregnant and I had the worst morning sickness around 6 weeks until very recently. I’m not eating much mainly sandwiches, chicken dippers and Pringles but I suddenly feel starving all the time. I don’t feel as nauseas (still have bouts throughout the day) but I’m still only wanting safe foods. My fir...

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Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester


Anyone else have insomnia first trimester?

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