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S in Local recommendations

Anyone from Hertfordshire, UK?

Hello mamas! Anyone nearby that wants to make friends and arrange playdates?

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Incognito in Family

Dry spells postpartum

Hi all, my husband and I will be married for 11 years in June. We have a 3 1/2 year old and a 4 month old. I'm almost 5 months postpartum. The last couple of months we were active with intimacy. This month hardly at all. I've tried initiating and he rejects it. He shared with me briefly that there is stuff going on ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

B in Play dates

Need more friends

Im struggling to find any play dates for little one I feel like am a bad mum because of it I start talking to people and then nothing seems to get arranged I understand being a mum is full time job and we have tons of distractions but I don’t want my little one to feel like they’ve only got me as a friend any sugges...

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E in Motherhood

🐇 Meanwhile in motherhood... 🐰

Teacher: what do your parents work as? My 7yr: my mum works as Miss Rabbit from Peppa Pig *The teacher turns head towards me in confusion* Me: *sigh* I work 3 jobs 🤷🏾‍♀️ Classroom: *absolute silence , my kid begins to laugh*

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Y in Other

I feel tired.

“The kind of tired that sleep doesn't fix. The kind that makes my body feel like a place I used to live. Like I'm burrowing into it for the day but don't quite belong there anymore. My feet move, but I don't remember telling them to. It's like I'm just being pulled forward by the day, by routine, by whatever it is t...

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